Apr 23Liked by Peachy Keenan

Many are saying now that this will finally wake American Jews from their delusional political stupor. I’m not sure anything can do that. A disproportionate number of my long time personal friends are Jewish, and although they may be tut tutting about the “Zoomerwaffen” on campuses, they make no connection with the trajectory of leftism over the last 50 years and would never dream of not voting Democrat.

William F. Buckley, Jr. famously answered “stubbornness” when asked why Jews supported the then only mildly toxic Left. I’ve pondered the question for decades and asked my Jewish friends. They mumble something about the Jewish religion emphasizing compassion and equity. Never mind that not one of them has ever been religious. Never mind that “liberalism” never alleviated poverty, but institutionalized it, and hasn’t delivered jack squat since the Civil Rights Act (which many in their party firmly opposed.) Many of their immigrant parents were actual communists (despite the pogroms.) Many still seem to think Republicans wear plaid trousers and blackball them at country clubs, as if it’s still the 1950s, when in reality only Sheldon Whitehouse would do that today.

As is true with so many blacks, “liberalism” is baked into their cultural identity. For most non-Orthodox Jews it seems to be mostly what’s left of what it means to be “Jewish.” Never mind that liberalism is dead and decomposed in their wretched party. They’ve been fooled. They’ve fooled themselves. And as Mark Twain said, it’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they’ve been fooled. They’ll still pull the lever for this stuff, convinced they’re voting for liberalism and ignoring the fascism that has replaced it. It’s a true wonder. A very sad one.

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Apr 23Liked by Peachy Keenan

I'm 64. I went to college like so much of my generation did. Started out in Political Science (what a joke), shifted to History (a slower developing joke) and finally settled in Archeology which I loved but like everything else in college has just become more anti white, anti American propaganda. Took me ten years to finish my degree because as the 80s wore on college became more and more useless. I then taught high school on and off for 13 years while raising three strawberry blond sons. The strangest part of growing older thru the last 40 years has been watching Catholics, Jews and Republicans embrace all this self hatred. That somehow if you hated the cultures that built western civilization, the first and only civilization that embraced love, justice and talent as the best foundation for a successful culture, then somehow you were acceptable. Instead of being proud of what we've built and living by the Word of God, we have worked to systematically destroy western civilization, especially the US. I was brought up Catholic and Catholics, like Jews have embraced the wild eyed, self destructive, self immolating philosophy of liberalism. It's like some kind of moronic popularity contest where if we hate ourselves enough then all the most unsuccessful, violent, backward cultures on the planet will finally like us. So. I for one, reject popularity. I want a safe, strong, God fearing America for my family and the rest of the world can either learn by example and or themselves to pieces.

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Apr 23Liked by Peachy Keenan

Zoomerwaffen? Copyright that. What a bunch of self righteous jerks. If it wasn't so disturbing it would be funny. (Think the nazis in The Blues Brothers.) Imagine, "Im driving to the Gaza encampment in my Prius..I can't possible fit those signs." Keep up the good work. I hope you know how meaningful it is. If you are celebrating Passover, Have a happy one.

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Apr 23Liked by Peachy Keenan

I suspect this was a tough one to write Mrs P. But it was well written and from the heart. Well done yet again!

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Apr 23Liked by Peachy Keenan

On one hand I feel so sorry for these kids. Their only meaning in life is discontent, and their causes not noble. I sometimes wish swift Karma on them, but I am Christian so... that's probably not the best hope to indulge. On the other hand though, they could all use a little dose of reality, the little twerps.

I do not understand, however, the blind spots in people though. If you're a secular Jew how did you not see the trends before Oct.7th?

I wonder the same thing in my home state of Minnesota. It's like the crazy progressive city people are willfully blind to human nature. They brought in all these refugees from Somalia and gave them all the things, and they cannot understand how they are getting taken advantage of left and right and played for fools. (Look up day care scandal, ISIS recruiting hotbed, & leaders of NGOs taking "cash to feed kids" but buy houses with cash) I think it's the Scandanavian in a lot of them... they just cannot fathom the utter lack of good will others possess, or the willingness to deceive. But, hey, they vote Democrat and the Twin Cities somewhat recently built a nice big voting center right in that refugee/immigrant community (which also boasts hundreds of active tuberculosis cases), so it's all good!

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Apr 23Liked by Peachy Keenan

I’m a 1%er! non-mischling dissident and I’m with you. Thanks for (as ever) putting it so clearly, Peachy. You’re going to get blowback on this one, I think. I know you welcome it when it offers opportunities to take a stand and ask hard, overdue questions; I’m looking forward to the ruckus and to my chances to amplify the points.

P.S. Ululating in LuLulemoms is a “Keeper”. You need to copyright that one, Peachy.

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Apr 23Liked by Peachy Keenan

When I see these entitled dipshits protesting on behalf of the animals that mercilessly murdered 1,200 innocent civilians on October 7, I can't help but to think of one of the best quotes of all times:

"Everybody has a plan until they’re punched in the mouth" - Mike Tyson - 1987. Coddling and entitlement have a downside...their day will come.

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Apr 23Liked by Peachy Keenan

The Catholic church burnings that began in Canada are just around the corner here I'm sure because what starts with the Jews always includes us. I have a chadson at a state university and I hope the school stays off this crazy train. 2024 is fire so far.

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Apr 23Liked by Peachy Keenan

I am so glad to have subscribed to your brilliant newsletter. This is perfect-thank you!

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Apr 23Liked by Peachy Keenan

Funny. I was adopted through Catholic Charities in the late 60s. So until about two years ago (and via 23&Me), I had no idea that I was part Ashkenazi Jew (though I'm mostly English, Scottish, and Irish).

I know that Mr. Aristotle defines humans as "rational animals", but may I offer an emendation: Man is an irrational animal who, with tremendous effort and a device-free childhood, just might evolve into a rational animal.

Never quit, Peachy, we're with you.

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Apr 23Liked by Peachy Keenan

And that may have been true 60 years ago. But most self-styled liberals, Jewish or not, have studiously ignored the evolution of the Left and their party away from liberal values to the various permutations of Marxist/nihilist-derived radicalism, and now outright psychosis, just as they’ve studiously ignored that their putatively “progressive “ attestations have produced no progress since the Civil Rights Act, and have actually produced regression. Regression to the default position of humanity: rule by an unaccountable elite, and now regression to tribalism and anarchy., blood feuds and witch burning.

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Apr 23Liked by Peachy Keenan

Great post. And probably one that required much courage. Which I know you have in plentitude. I've never understood my Jewish family and friends, plus those I see in the public sphere, who thought they could stir up racial animus against white gentiles, and not have it redound to them. At least 95% of the Jews living in the U.S. are Ashkenazi, which de facto means white. And why they all think that having open boarders and giving their worst enemies in the world, Muslims, in to the country en masse, was a good idea. The Koran very specifically tells its adherents that they are to kill Jews (and also gays and lesbians, btw) where ever they find them.

So, welcome to the club. I would also tell the students and staff not to abandon these schools but to hold fast and fight, if necessary. And never give up. There is no substitute for courage, or victory. There is no alternative but destruction.

Danny Huckabee

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Apr 23·edited Apr 30Liked by Peachy Keenan

In the Maoist revolution I believe they sent literate people, including anyone wearing eyeglasses, to work in the countryside. I have a friend who said she had one relative join the CCP and become a low level party official just to see if he could get his relatives back to their hometown, a larger Cantonese port city. But to no avail; he didn't have the clout to overcome the CCP equity police.

Why would Jews think they could escape this?

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Apr 23Liked by Peachy Keenan

Yay Peachy! Let the Red Pilling continue to clarify the Mishegoss: worldwide, the survival of Judaism - and other human rights - depend on the existence of American gun owners.

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I bet you know this already, but on the off chance you don’t, hope it brings you some joy. I had this entire album memorized when I was a kid, can still recite the whole moose joke (poor Mr Berkowitz). Anyway, before the movies, Woody Allen was the best stand up ever:


Decades ago I was founder and president of the Woody Allen fan club at Harvard. These days that position would get me mob attacked on the daily, for a variety of reasons…

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Apr 24Liked by Peachy Keenan

Your thoughts are right on target. When revolutions have no one left to turn on, they turn on themselves. As a nation we have spent the last 60 years in a state of self destruction like a slower burning French Revolution. Now it is gaining velocity in repeated spasms of self destruction. When it comes for you it is too late.

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