Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

Last summer when my husband and I were out for a rare dinner date, leaving our (mere!) three children at home with indulgent grandparents, a woman in her 70s stumbled over to our table and sat down. She was drunk and lonely so we let her stay and chatted with her a while. Within moments she let us know she was an OG feminist and had proudly chosen not to have children. She told us of friends who have come and gone, a husband who passed away earlier than she’d hoped and her self-published book of poetry all about how no one needs her. As a former sh*tlib feminist myself, it was a sobering glimpse into a future I almost inflicted on myself. This year my husband and our kids will all be baptized at Easter and I am so grateful for our Catholic Church, our RCIA team and wonderful deacon and priest.

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Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

Courageous essay and inspiring story of having chosen the more compassionate and difficult path. I’m the 9th of 10 kids and am thankful to Jesus and my parents for life.

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Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

Excellent, well written, thought provoking piece! I love the way you mix insightful observations with witty commentary. I thoroughly enjoyed this post and have shared the link with friends.

—“But hear me out: we can use their hatred of big families to our advantage. The other side is not reproducing! The anti-natalists are sterilizing themselves! They’re getting on the pill at 14 and staying on it past 40. They’re even sterilizing their own kids with puberty blockers, wiping out their own chance at grandchildren.”

I have had the same thought. They will make themselves go extinct very soon at this rate. They need converts to their way of thinking which is why they’re so heavily relying on pop culture and public schools to brainwash *our* children to think like them.

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Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

Wonderful post! Thank you for writing such an amazing defense of Christian women and motherhood!

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Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

As you say, protecting our children from the rip tide of modern garbage culture is of supreme importance. The leftists are not having children, and so that explains their gross obsession with our kids. But if we deny them our children as converts, then like the Shakers, they are finished.

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Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

Faith is our salvation. I have seen it in the eyes of my dying patients who had no fear of death since they were good with god. When my wife almost died of Covid, faith got her through the horror of the hospital. She was without fear. In these difficult times, our faith is what bonds us and saves us. While the world may be following the path of evil, the righteous will prevail. Thank you for a beautiful essay.

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Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

Thank you, Peachy.

Grant to me the mighty shield of faith and the armor of the Holy Spirit to do your will.

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Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

I loved this essay Peachy. Your five little ones are fortunate to have a Mother who is so lovingly devoted to their well being that she is onsite and available for their guidance and protection. There is no greater mission than to be the trusted cultivator of precious young souls.

You are to be praised for your other mission as well. Thank you for your courage to stand up to the misguided

or evil intended feminists for the good of everyone’s children. Im standing right beside you!

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Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

I think Kanye said it best: "The greatest thing you can have in life is as many kids as possible."

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Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

After reading PK's book I begin to agree that the best defense against the degenerate culture of our age is simply to ignore it. Have lots of kids, teach them how to think, not *what* to think, and make sure that your little girls know that motherhood is far more valuable to society and the future of mankind than 99.999% of their other "career" choices.

"Sure, honey. You can be an astronaut or a brain surgeon if you want. But a man could do that. What he can't do is create the next generation of mankind."

I just feel sorry for the millions of young women that will be deprived of motherhood, because they never discovered this truth.

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Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

You are a courageous and intelligent woman. Thank God for giving you the words to speak because I have no doubt your story will inspire many. God bless you.🙏

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Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

Peachy - THANK YOU! You said you had decided you were going to fight back and you are. Your writing and insights are like having St. Michael the Archangel in our corner. You're a terrific role model for young women everywhere. There's an attack on western civilization, western culture and western thought. Not just with the latter stages of feminism but in all areas of life. We can't change political beliefs until we change our eroding culture. You're fighting academia and pop culture and gain traction and reach.

Best writing on the internet I say! This is why I support you with my wallet.

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Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

The foxhole is so much more fun with you in here! Thank you for your important contribution to these times.

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I have friends who had no children and are now in their 60s. The female friends in this position seem to regret it. I always have to be careful talking about my son (I'm gay) in front of them, because I don't want to make them experience all their regrets with my unlikely child, when it would have been so easy for them.

Then I have other friends who had only one child, who in some cases did not turn out so well.

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Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

Thanks, Peachy. Love the post (as usual) and what you do for the faith by addressing audiences like the CWC. I'm an academic in the midwest (I know...) but my wife and I lead the OCIA team at our parish. We inherited a pretty listless program a set of years ago and managed to transform the process with the help of Fr. John Riccardo into something totally on fire. Lots of 20- and 30-somethings coming through. They're so hungry for something other than what culture around them seems to be offering. In any event, Fr. Riccardo is doing great work through his apostolate, ACTS XXIX. I think you'd find it interesting. Check it out. I do some publishing work for him and would love to put you two in touch. Let me know if I can ever make that happen. In the meantime stay fearless and keep on keeping on!

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Feb 4Liked by Peachy Keenan

I LOVED this article! So glad you are speaking out so eloquently and courageously (and with HUMOR!) on this most important topic! May God bless all the mothers and fathers who are trying to raise their children in righteousness❤️

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